In order to constantly improve your security, your security plan must include daily activity reports. Daily activity reports document all relevant activities and information regarding security, both for client communication, and are essential to monitoring and optimizing the status of your comprehensive security. Here’s four things every daily activity report must include:
- Arrival and Departure Times—A daily activity report must include accurate arrival and departure times for anyone passing through access control points, creating a written record of all traffic through secured areas to maintain accountability.
- Shift Changes—A daily activity report must include details regarding shift changes, when appropriate. These entries should include the relevant security officers, any equipment exchanged, and any information the relief officer was provided.
- Routine Tasks Completed—A daily activity report must include a log of all routine tasks completed throughout the duration of a shift. These tasks include the processing of guests or employees through access control, patrols, etc., and are vital both for accountability and to demonstrate the value of the services provided.
- Any Irregularities—A daily activity report must include any irregularities or deviations from routine tasks. Security officers are the first line of defense against security and safety threats. In order to address these issues, any security or safety concerns must be documented and described so that they can be addressed as soon as possible.
Daily activity reports are the primary sources of accountability in a comprehensive security plan. Building upon the eyes and ears of your security system, your security guards, a daily activity report offers a log of invaluable information to help improve your security methods and demonstrate to your client the value of your services. To ensure you are protecting your business, contact JS Security Consulting today to schedule a free consultation.