1. 4 Reasons to Hire a Security Escort

    You’re watching a movie, and you notice that the important politician character is always being followed around by a silent muscular guy in a black suit. You likely don’t have to think very hard to realize that this man is the politician’s bodyguard, also called a security escort, and that he’s there to get the politician safely from point A to point B. We witness security escorts such as …Read More

  2. Why Hire Construction Site Security?

    The dangers of a construction site are plentiful, as are the qualities that attract criminal activities, such as vandalism, theft, and arson. In order to ensure safety, it’s important to keep a constant eye out and to keep unauthorized personnel out of the site. If you’re not sure how to go about doing that, consider hiring a security team. At JS Security Consulting, we offer construction site…Read More

  3. Consider This Before Hiring Armed Security

    Business owners should never make any sort of security decisions lightly, and deciding on the addition of an armed security presence is no exception. Armed security provides facilities with an unmatchable sense of safety but also brings a loaded firearm into your place of business. Be sure that an armed security officer is absolutely necessary before making any sort of investment, or that an armed…Read More

  4. Why Invest In Front Desk Security?

    Your front desk is your first line of defense, so keeping your employees, residents, visitors, and others safe begins here. Have you considered the benefits of hiring security personnel to man the front desk, reception, or lobby area of your building? Regardless of the type or purpose of your business or other property, a security presence can keep it protected against vandalism, theft, and other …Read More

  5. JS Security Consulting provides security services to Nashville.

    Welcome To JS Security Consulting’s Blog

    Welcome to our blog, where you’ll find additional information related to our security services and the security industry. At JS Security Consulting, we’re dedicated to providing trustworthy, reliable, and responsive security services to our clients in Nashville, TN, and the surrounding areas. Whether you’re in need of a security escort, front desk security personnel, property surveillance, o…Read More